Friday, August 28, 2009

End of Summer 2009 Tropical Lifestyle Update

Well, we've almost got Puff's engine installed. We are in the process of having custom mounts welded by Pete, Brian's brother. We then have to install a new exhaust system and probably get a new prop blade. I can't wait to hear this boat's heartbeat again. We have made progress on our house plans for Long Island, Bahamas. For anyone that doesn't know already, we purchased a lot on Long Island, Bahamas in 2006 on our way back from our epic Caribbean Sailing Trip.

We plan to begin building on that lot this winter. We have had plans drawn up by an architect here on Ocracoke. It looks really good. Next step is to get a materials list together. In November, we will sail down to the Bahamas. We will have a container full of building materials shipped to LI in December and get to work. That's it for the update. After 2 seasons of not sailing to the Bahamas, I can't wait to go back!!!

August Adventures End With A Hurricane Swell!

So, I usually save the most exciting stuff for last. Why is it that the most exciting stuff is always something fun that my husband's gotten into? Probably because he's a lot more daring than I am. While I was in New Orleans taking a continuing education class for massage therapy, (here's me with my cousins, mom, and sister in NO)

he was surfing the waves kicked up as Hurricane Bill passed offshore of the Outer Banks. Looks pretty fun!

Of course, Scooter and Amanda's place has the best break out front. And lucky for Brian, Amanda is such a caregiver. She gave Charlie a bath and fed Brian dinner before they came back to Ocracoke. Thanks Amanda, you're the best!

August Adventures Part Deux

Our friends, Scooter and Amanda, came to Ocracoke to celebrate their one year wedding anniversary on August 16th. We all had a fun day at the beach and then went out to dinner at Cafe Atlantic with friends: Chuck, Farris, Chrissy, and baby Daisy.

Our next visitor's were a surprise! My dad's cousin Bobby and his wife just appeared on our dock one day! I was soooo happy to see them. We had dinner and shared stories about loved ones. We got to know each other better, since I haven't seen them since I was a little girl. I had such a good time, I think I might just have to spring a visit on them in the near future! We're all from South Louisiana, and family is very important down there. First, second, third or fourth cousins... it doesn't matter, it seems like we stay close no matter how long we've been out of touch.

Brian and Charlie the Dawg had a good time, too. I'm really glad they were able to meet Bobby and Nancy, as well... family meeting family...

We also had the Craver clan visit Ocracoke in August and we didn't get a single photo! Which is ridiculous!!! Craig and Carrie Craver are some of Brian's oldest friends from college. Carrie, if you read this and you have pics, please email me a couple! Thanks!

August Adventures

Soooo, in August we have mostly been working, trying to bring in money while we can. We did have a few interesting projects going on though. One of them was when Brian's brother, Pete, came up from from Wilmington, NC to build a shade top for the parasail boat that Brian captain's.

Pete specializes in marine welding applications and has a portable welder. He built this top in one day!
Lenny didn't want his picture taken, oops... so now it's also on the internet... oh well!
Eric and Farris O'Neal, Lenny, and Brian. What else is there to do but hang out and watch Pete work?
Good Job, Pete! They put a canvas top on the aluminum structure Pete built and now B has shade when he puts in those long hours on the water!